Why a life coach?

When it comes to our life's choices, some of us learn the hard way, through trial and error. While other's seem to have the golden ticket and get it right "straight away".  When things in our life are constantly going wrong, we must look deep within ourselves to see what it is we may be doing to contribute to this. Life is what we make of it. If we have preconditioned negative thoughts often times we manifest it. Unfortunately life is hard and some people have experienced more hardship and struggles than others, and were naturally scarred. These scars show up in our natural behaviors and only attract much of what we are already getting. The key is to change these preconceived ideas of self and to better understand where it all went wrong and what to do about it. Often all we need is to look at ourselves objectively not subjectively. When we do this we are working as a friend to self, we are only helping ourselves get better. I have a proven game plan created to overcome these negative things we do along with a reason as to why it's happening. With greater understanding and a skilled partner by your side all the way. You will change your life into the life you have always wanted. If you find yourself struggling in these areas or asking yourself these following questions. Please contact me to schedule a free consultation and get started on a new you! 

Ask yourself do any of these things apply to you?

Why are bad things constantly happening to me? Why do I fail at relationships, both romantic and with others. I can't stop obsessing about negative things, or that things will go wrong. I feel like I have no control over my emotions they swing from high to low. I have a negative view of myself and let other's control me. I have difficulty speaking up for what I want. I fear that my partner is cheating when I have no proof or reason too. I don't like myself. I worry all the time about what will go wrong. When i have a problem i obsess about it. I have control issues and end up pushing people away. I have difficulty asking others for what I need. Why do I give everything and get nothing in return? I feel like I'm loosing my partner? I may be headed for divorce if i don't get a handle on things. I attract all the wrong people. 

I have help numerous people on their path to getting everything they want and would love to help you. I am a highly successful life coach that applies the time and tools it takes to get you to the place where you want to be. 

If you are interested in my consulting please email me, I use in depth psychological analysis through astrology combined with proven psychological techniques to understand your needs. I am with you every step of the way!

Email me for a appointment: Illumeastrology@gmail.com or you may purchase a package from my consultations page. Much love and light to you! 


  1. I can''t believe how much you have helped me.. Everyone has been telling me, that I am much more confident, and instead of letting others treat me bad.. I demand they treat me well. My husband said; I wish you would have met Zahara much earlier, it would have saved him many headaches. He was always trying to tell me the things you did, except you were just really good at it:) Thank you I am forever, indebt to you!

  2. You are amazing! Thank you! I always wanted to be like you, confident, certain, and positive. Well, it's looks like that's who I am now! For any woman out there that have difficulty getting your life right, in bad relationships, family matters, career, whatever it may be.. Zahara truly is the best, it's all over the phone.. You don't need to go anywhere and you can be as open as you like. She really knows how to punch you in the nose hard to enough to where you just can't argue how much what she said just made sense. That was what did it for me.. Anyway I cant say enough good things, but I am not a good writer so I better stop.:)
