Thursday, October 24, 2013

When Things go wrong... Think Right!

positive-thinking-quotes-1.png (1024×768)Life if full of ups and downs. Sometimes we feel like there are more downs than ups. When we are trying to accomplish something and feel as if no matter how hard we try, we just can't get it done! We suffer they say as a means for self development, it is through our struggles that we find out who we really are. Staying positive is the key to achieving what we desire. We have all had tough times, some of us more than others. It is how we handle these times that separate us. Quantum mechanics has now proven that our thoughts manifest. So when we are down, things tend to get worse, because we feel like they will. The key is to control your thoughts. Even if things seem as if they are against you and you are the only person in the world that has such hardship, you must consider any negative thought as direct poison making any bad situation worse. What has always worked for me when I begin to feel pressure, whether it be from friends, family, work or just plain life, I imagine a Blue sky, and the problem is a white fluffy cloud passing by. Then i turn my thoughts to what I want. Regardless of what actually is...The results are nothing short of amazing! If i don't let my mind get down, my life won't get down anymore either. Take control of your life, by taking control of your thoughts. You are worth it!

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